Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Phillip Martin: Realization (2009)

Phillip Martin is back and better than ever in his latest effort Realization. No labels, no strings attached, just 100 percent pure Phillip Martin. Below is what Phillip Martin says Realization is about:
What Realization Is About:
As I was finishing dental school at Howard University, I thought back on my undergraduate and graduate studies. Since day one, my professors told me to pick a career--music or dentistry. Pick one, not both. As I traveled across the country, flying from gig to gig and studying at 30,000 feet, I recognized that my professors had a point--a point I was determined to prove wrong. Despite the inherent challenge, I wanted to make an album while finishing dental school, and I wanted to do it on my own. Record labels and management did not fund or write this record. Every penny was earned playing gigs and doing studio work. Every note was written while reading books and pulling teeth. In May of 2008, I did two things: graduate from dental school and record the last notes of this album. In the months that followed, I continued to mix and master this album while practicing dentistry professionally on Capitol Hill. Thus, realization. The realization that I can do both, and I did. On this album you won't hear fancy licks or overproduced tracks. You will hear music from my heart, music from my sweat, music from my soul. I hope you enjoy this record as much as I enjoyed creating it. -PM

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