Monday, October 12, 2009

Gonzalo Rubalcaba: The Trio (2005)

One of the most important figures to emerge from Afro-Cuban jazz in the '90s, Gonzalo Rubalcaba is an extrordinaily versatile pianist able to blend disparate strands of Cuban and American jazz tradition into a flesh, modern whole. Born into a musical family in Navana on May 27, 1963, Rubalcaba began studying classical piano at age eight, honing his technique in that area for the next 12 years while playing aroung Havana by night. In 1983, he toured France and Africa with Cuba's long standing Orquestra Aragon, and formed his own band, Grupo Proyecto, in 1985, the same year he was discovered by Dizzy Gillespie. In 1986, Rubalcaba played the Havana Jazz Festival with the American rhythm section of Charlie Haden and Paul Motian, and with Haden's support soon appeared at major international fetivals like Montreal and Monreux.

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