Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kevin Eubanks: The Heat of Heat (1987)

If heat is the process of energy transfer from one body to another, then that is what Kevin Eubanks has set out to do with velvety guitar sounds that will rub you the right way. Familiar to millions of viewers nightly as the leader of Jay Leno's Tonight Show Band, Eubanks creates this generation's finest creative jazz tunes on The Heat of Heat. Dreamy and memorizing, Eubanks creates an odyssey, with him leading the way, that compels you to dance, twirl, evoke your inner sexuality, and if you could, dip yourself.
1. Palace of the Seven Jewels
2. In a Few
3. Heat of Heat
4. Nardis
5. First Things First
6. Sojourn
7. Sorrir/Smile
8. Receipt Please [*]
9. Third Interior
The Heat of Heat
Rapidshare / Hotfile @ 320K

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