Thursday, July 22, 2010

John Pena: Call It Grace (2008)

Session bassist John Pena adds variety in style, playing and composition with jazz,r&b,latin jazz, fusion, contemporary jazz, alternative jazz and inspirational music under one umbrella. Highly recommended!!!
Special guests that participated on this project:
On Drums/Chad Wackerman, Raul Pineda, Oscar Seaton, Alvaro Lopez, John Ferraro, Marvin McQuitty and Tom Brechtlein.
On Keys/Otmaro Ruiz, David Garfield, Dave Goldblatt, Tommy Coster Jr., Ricardo Arbe and Stephan Oberhoff.
On Guitars/Ramon Stagnaro, James Harrah & Byron Fry.
On Trumpet and Flugelhorn/Harry Kim.
On Sax/Justo Almario & Larry Klimas.
Vocalists/Leslie Smith & Sharon Perry.
Background vocals/Terry Wood Pena, Angie Jaree and Annette Mata
On Percussion/Fausto Cuevas & Raul Pineda.
1. 4 Basses & a Cross 2:05
2. Signs of Tribulation 5:36
3. Call It Grace 6:24
4. Speak to Me 3:58
5. Overwhelming Peace 3:40
6. All for Nothing (V.3) 6:28
7. Alas De Aguila 4:44
8. Tears in a Bottle 5:28
9. The Warrior's Prayer 4:07
10. Nothing but the Blood 2:09
Call It Grace
Hotfile / Uploading @ 320K

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