Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bajazzo: Harlequin Galaxy (1999)

In 1978 Berlin music students came together with the guitarist and composer Jürgen Heckel to implement shared musical ambitions into reality. Just like the word jazz is hidden in the band's name rather was intended from the outset and the musical concept - jazz combined with modern influences and purist without restriction. Although the compositions initially were strongly influenced by the virtuoso jazz-rock excursions of relevant variables such as Weather Report, John Mclaughlin, Herbie Hancock and others, it was quite the sign of a strong musical diversity. Within a short time clown became popular on the tip of the club and festival band of regional music scene. In 1991 the third chapter in the history the band began. With the two percussionists Topo Gioia and Micah Yoke the band now stands a good team ahead polyrhythmic finishing touches. The octet presents itself matured, the band of bands timeless, in the broadest sense, however, the jazz harmonies and clear themes. The music remains evident, and it is challenging without being boring.

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