Monday, November 30, 2009

Jeff Golub: Do It Again (2002)

Guitarist Jeff Golub's previous outing, Dangerous Curves, edged away from the R&B format toward a more rock approach. Do It Again revisits the soulful sound that Golub has made his own. The former Rod Stewart sideman has taken a break from composing this time out and chosen a batch of classic covers, displaying the same exquisite taste evidenced in his playing. Having had a hit with the Average White Band's instrumental "Pick Up the Pieces," he returns to the well for "Cut the Cake," and while he's at it, grabs their underappreciated "If I Ever Lose this Heaven." To inform anyone wondering where he garnered his influences, Golub gives us tunes by the masters: James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson. As always, his playing demonstrates the three Ts of all great musicians: the aforementioned taste, as well as in-the-pocket time and distinctive tone. If the record doesn't "rawk," it certainly grooves, and the solo on Eddie Harris's "Cold Duck Time" definitely pushes the boundaries of polite. Do It Again offers a great listen for fans of guitar and/or great soul tunes. --Michael Ross
Do It Again (RS) / Do It Again (DF) / Do It Again (MU) @ 320K

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