Monday, November 23, 2009

Reggie Hines: Live Your Life (2009)

"Live Your Life !" is a multi-colored diverse set of contemporary jazz tunes with some compelling and hip arrangements. In his career, Mr. Hines has also produced many artists in other genres of music, including rap, funk, R & B, fusion, salsa and reggae music. This background as a producer has enabled Reggie Hines to forge with a focused purpose a collage of compositions on this recording that exemplify the best of contemporary jazz.
As a saxophonist, Mr. Hines has a melodic and soulful sound which is beginning to take on some of the characteristics of a voice of his very own! He has taken special care to assemble a cast of talented backup instrumentalists and vocalists to promote a lively upbeat and soulful recording!
It is quite evident that Reggie Hines has a blessed future ahead of him, and I congratulate him and his colleagues on a fine recording!

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